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RESOLUTION NO . // L <br /> WHEREAS : In 1957 an engineering report on relief and extension of <br /> sewer facilities was prepared by Consoer, Townsend and <br /> Associates , and <br /> ;6H AS : tris report set forth the needs for extending sanitary <br /> trunk sewers to the outlying areas , and <br /> = HEREAS : one such trunk sewer was recommended to serve area H, being <br /> defined as the eastern branch of Bowman Creek serving a <br /> drainage area extending south along Michigan Street and <br /> south of the then city limits , and <br /> WHEREAS : in 1962 this plan was initiated by construction of the <br /> southwest trunk sewer south along the Penn Central Railroad <br /> to Ireland Road, and <br /> WHEREAS : more recent studies have shown a need for further extension <br /> of the southwest trunk sewer to serve the highly developed <br /> residential areas south of the U.S . 20-31 By-Pass where soil '. <br /> conditions make septic sewer systems impractical, and <br /> WHEREAS : by Ordinance No . 5137-70 the Common Council annexed the area <br /> between Ireland Road and the By-Pass , and by Ordinance <br /> No . 5177-70 has annexed the area along South Michigan Street <br /> from the By-Pass to Kern Road, and <br /> WHEREAS : the Board of Public Works and Safety has authority under the <br /> Acts of the General Assembly of 1905 , Chapter 129 as amended , <br /> to layout , design , order and contract for and execute the <br /> construction, alteration and maintenance of all public drains <br /> or sewers within such city and all drains and sewers without <br /> such city and within four (4) miles thereof which may be <br /> necessary to carry off the drainage of such city and to <br /> erect, maintain and operate works for the collection , treat- <br /> ment and disposal of sewage , and now <br /> 4 <br /> BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Public Works and Safety finds it <br /> necessary for the public health, safety and welfare that <br /> the southwest sanitary trunk sewer be extended south to <br /> service the area along South Michigan Street to Johnson <br /> Road, and that said Board hereby orders that the necessary <br /> design plans be prepared, that easements and right-of-ways <br /> be acquired by gift, purchase or condemnation , that appro- <br /> priations be sought, that bids be taken for construction , <br /> that contracts be entered into, and that said construction-: <br /> shall take place . <br /> "70 <br /> Board of < <hl �7 <br /> DORIS AL;.E BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND SAFETY <br /> CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA <br /> Dated this 4. of i'�%�" . c%' "�J 1970 <br />