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page 2. <br /> the bond issues that the city must issue for this project. Also, representatives <br /> of Clyde Williams and Associates , the consulting engineer on this project, are <br /> expected to attend. Finally, the Board of Public Works and Safety will be represented. <br /> For your information, a table indicating the amount of participation of the three <br /> government organizations is enclosed. As may be noted, the local participation is <br /> much in excess of 25 percent of the total project cost due to increased costs and <br /> additional equipment that was found to be required after the original request was <br /> made. The total project cost has increased primarily due to inflation, as only about <br /> 10 percent of the increase is due to additional equipment. <br /> In addition, we plan to have a copy of the proposed resolution in your hands as soon <br /> as possible so that you may have a reasonable time for review. <br /> Finally, let me encourage you to participate actively in this project. Timing is <br /> ! vital and critical to this undertaking. The alternatives to accepting this offer are <br /> almost too grim to contemplate. For this reason, please make every effort to attend <br /> these meetings. <br /> Very truly yours, <br /> �J <br /> David A. Wells <br /> DAW/mkm <br /> r <br />