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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting –November 20, 2009 <br /> <br />committee had been diligent and made a <br />good choice. <br /> <br />C <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Varner, seconded by <br />OMMISSION ACCEPTED THE RECOMMENDATION <br />K <br />OF THE SELECTION COMMITTEE TO HIRE ITSON <br />Ms. King and unanimously carried, the <br />&PBG <br /> ARTNERS TO MANAGE LACKTHORN OLF <br />Commission accepted the recommendation <br />C <br />OURSE ON A THREE YEAR CONTRACT AT <br />of the selection committee to hire Kitson & <br />$96,000K& <br /> PER YEAR AND TO ALSO HIRE ITSON <br />Partners to manage Blackthorn Golf Course <br />P <br />ARTNERS TO PERFORM STRATEGIC PLANNING <br />$10,000 <br />on a three year contract at $96,000 per year <br />FOR THE GOLF COURSE AT A COST OF <br />and to also hire Kitson & Partners to perform <br />strategic planning for the golf course at a cost <br />of $10,000. <br /> <br /> <br />(2) Authorization requested to acquire <br />properties at tax sale. (EMI and <br />Millennium Environmental. <br /> <br />Mr. Schalliol noted that in October, the St. <br />Joseph County Treasurer completed the tax <br />sale process for tax delinquent properties in <br />St. Joseph County. The city has been <br />working with the County Commissioners to <br />buy certain properties off the tax sale list to <br />help facilitate redevelopment opportunities in <br />certain development areas. As part of the <br />sale process, the Commissioners are <br />authorized to hold a tax sale to sell properties <br />that have completed the initial sale process. <br /> <br />The staff is working to acquire two parcels <br />that will be acquired, remediated and cleared <br />for future development. Staff is working on <br />budgets for the demolition, site preparation <br />and other environmental services and a <br />budget will be finalized and presented once <br />we know that the transaction will move <br />forward. The parcels are as follows: <br /> <br />Millennium Environmental, Inc. <br />604 S Scott Street <br />Account balance as of 2009 sale: <br /> $1,135,949.58 <br /> 8 <br /> <br />