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1 A <br /> T <br /> THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Common Council of the <br /> City of South Bend, Indiana, that the resolution and findings <br /> of the Economic Development Commission pertaining to this project <br /> be approved and incorporated in this resolution, and <br /> THEREFORE , be it resolved by the Common Council of the <br /> City of South Bend, Indiana, that the statement of public service <br /> on the part of the Economic Development Commission, of the Area <br /> Plan Commission and of the South Bend School Corporation be <br /> accepted and approved, and <br /> THEREFORE, be it resolved that the South Bend City <br /> Common Council authorize the Economic Development Commission of <br /> the City of South Bend to proceed to make preliminary agreements <br /> with the proposed lessee, Vanderheyden Distributing, Inc. , in the <br /> nature of a conditional commitment to enter into a lease with <br /> Vanderheyden Distributing, Inc. , and <br /> THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Economic Development <br /> Commission of the City of South Bend shall , as soon as the new <br /> lease form is properly prepared, submit the same to the Clerk of <br /> the City of South Bend to be prepared by a member of the Common <br /> Council as a proposed ordinance for the acceptance of same and <br /> issuance of revenue bonds to cover the amount of money needed. <br /> i <br /> "mber of S6uth Bend City Common Council <br /> FILED <br /> r?T?WE <br /> IIV if iruy.d v �+� JQj <br /> APR 4 10'3 <br /> PRESENTED --9-'7 3 <br /> NOT APPROVED Irene Gammon <br /> ADOPTED CITY CLERK, SOUTH BEND, IND, <br />