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Ironwood, Inwood and <br /> y • . ; Retention Basin <br /> ORDINANCE _ 5009-68 <br /> AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING TO AND BRINGING WITHIN <br /> THE CITY LIMITS OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA CERTAIN <br /> LANDS AND PROVIDING, AFTER ANNEXATION SHALL <br /> TAKE EFFECT, THAT FOR A PERIOD OF THREE YEARS , <br /> ONE HALF (2) OF THE MUNICIPAL PROPERTY TAXES <br /> TO BE IMPOSED UPON THE ANNEXED TERRITORY SHALL <br /> BE:'IMPOUNDED AND PLACED IN A SPECIAL FUND <br /> SOLELY FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE ANNEXED TERRITORY. <br /> BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, <br /> INDIANA: <br /> SECTION 1 : That the following described property in St. Joseph <br /> County, State of Indiana, is hereby annexed to and brought within <br /> the City of South Bend, Indiana; <br /> Beginning at a point on the centerline of Ironwood Road <br /> and forty (40) feet East of the Southeast corner of <br /> Lot 467-A in Twyckenham Hills Section "L" Subdivision; <br /> thence North along said centerline a distance of five <br /> hundred forty-six (546) feet more or less, to a point <br /> forty (40) feet due East of the Northeast corner of <br /> Lot 472 in Twyckenham Hills Section "L" Subdivision; <br /> thence due East thirty (30) feet to the East right-of- <br /> way line of Ironwood Road; thence further due East one <br /> hundred fifty (150) feet; thence due South along a line <br /> one hundred eighty (180) feet East of and parallel to <br /> the West line of Section Twenty (20) , Township Thirty- <br /> seven North (T37N) , Range Three East (R3E) , and the West <br /> line of Section Twenty-nine (29) , Township Thirty-seven <br /> North (T37N) , Range Three East (R3E) , a distance of three <br /> thousand fifty-two and f iftl-two hundredths (3, 052 .52) <br /> feet to a point four hundred twenty and forty-two hundredths <br /> (420 .42) feet North and one hundred eighty (180) feet East <br /> of the Southeast corner of the Northeast one quarter (NE 4) <br /> of Section Thirty (30) , Township Thirty-seven North (T37N) , <br /> Range Three East (R3E) ; thence due West one hundred eighty <br /> (180) feet to the centerline of Ironwood Road; thence <br /> further due West five hundred (500) feet to the Southwest <br /> corner of the Ironwood Road Retention Basin property; <br /> thence due North a distance of four hundred twenty and <br /> forty-two hundredths (420 .42) feet to the Northwest corner <br /> of the Retention Basin property which point is also the <br /> South property line of a nine (9) acres tract now owned by <br /> Walter R. Crowel and Mabel M. Crowel; tnence due West a <br /> distance of eight hundred eighteen and sixty-eight hundredths <br /> (818 .68) feet more or less, to the one eighth (1/8) Section <br /> line which line is also the present City Limits line ; thence <br /> due North along the present City Limits line a distance of <br /> one thousand seven hundred ninety-four and fifty hundredths <br /> (1794 .50) feet more or less, to the North line of Section <br /> Thirty (30) , Township Thirty-seven North (T37N) , Range <br /> Three East (R3E) ; thence due East along the present City <br /> Limits line a distance of three hundred eighty and sixty <br /> hundredths (380 .60) feet more or less ; thence due North <br />