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o4SOU T11 <br /> lr <br /> U d <br /> W PEACE s <br /> r- <br /> a • <br /> 1865 <br /> OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK <br /> KAREEMAH FOWLER,CITY CLERK <br /> PUBLIC WORKS &PROPERTY VACATION APRIL 10, 2017 3:35 P.M. <br /> Committee Members Present: John Voorde, Randy Kelly, Jo M. Broden <br /> Committee Members Absent: Gavin Ferlic <br /> Other Council Present: Karen White, Dr. David Varner, Tim Scott, Regina <br /> Williams-Preston, Oliver Davis (late) <br /> Other Council Absent: None <br /> Others Present: Aladean DeRose, Jennifer Coffman, Graham Sparks <br /> Presenters: Tim Corcoran, Joe Hart, Pastor Chris Derrickson <br /> Agenda: Bill No. 18-17- South Bend Cubs Alley Vacation <br /> Bill No. 20-17- Correcting Scrivener's Error Ord. No. 9717-06 <br /> Committee Chair John Voorde called to order the Public Works and Property Vacation <br /> Committee meeting at 3:35 p.m. He introduced members of the committee and proceeded to give <br /> the floor to the presenters of the first item on the agenda. <br /> Bill No. 18-17 - South Bend Cubs Allev Vacation <br /> Tim Corcoran, Director of Planning with offices on the 14th floor of the County-City Building, <br /> stated, I'm here to talk about the Monroe Street Vacation. This is the portion of Monroe Street <br /> between Lafayette Blvd. and the baseball stadium. (Councilmember Oliver Davis arrived at the <br /> meeting.) We are seeking the vacation as part of the new Ivy at Berlin Place Development. This <br /> has received a favorable recommendation from all departments including the Board of Public <br /> Works, subject to the agreement between the Church and the South Bend Cubs. Joe Hart is here <br /> to speak a little bit about it. <br /> Joe Hart, 501 W. South Street, stated, Thank you for having us here. Obviously with the new <br /> development going on, we needed to vacate our portion of Monroe Street. We have had the <br /> opportunity to get to know Pastor Derrickson and his congregation and we were able to form a <br /> partnership and an agreement that will allow us to do this. We also will be working with them to <br /> do a press conference in the next few weeks to announce our partnership and do some things to <br /> help fundraise and help restore their building to return it to the glory that it once was. We've met <br /> many times and they have been great neighbors of ours. We certainly don't want them to leave <br /> 455 County-City Building•227 W.Jefferson Boulevard•South Bend,Indiana 46601 <br /> Phone 574-235-9221 •Fax 574-235-9173•TDD <br /> JENNIFER M.COFFMAN ALKEYNA M.ALDRIDGE JOSEPH MOLNAR <br /> CHIEF DEPUTY/DIRECTOR OF DEPUTY/DIRECTOR OF POLICY ORDINANCE VIOLATION CLERK <br /> OPERATIONS <br />