<br />his best to fmd something. I think it's an excellent example of leadership by the Fire Department,
<br />and I am fully in support of it.
<br />Dan Kane, 1106 Bellevue Avenue, South Bend, IN, stated that this was an example of local
<br />government working.
<br />Jean Perrin, 830 South 32nd Street, South Bend, IN, stated that she has been a homeowner in
<br />River Park for seventeen (17) years, and that she is also part of the Board of Directors for the
<br />River Park Neighborhood Association. Ms. Perrin echoed the preceding comments regarding
<br />how critical it is for the area to have ambulance and medic services. She added, Personally, I had
<br />to deal with waiting for an ambulance for fifteen (15) minutes about six (6) years ago when my
<br />husband wasn't breathing, and I don't want anyone else to go through that ever again.
<br />Janet Maciulski, 1117 South 31St Street, South Bend, IN, stated that she was against the
<br />relocation of the fire station to Potawatomi Park and was pleased that the decision was made to
<br />move it to River Park instead. Ms. Maciulski asked, as a member of the Botanical Society and a
<br />committeemember of DJ's Sensory Garden, that the sirens to be used only when absolutely
<br />necessary. She stated, The impact of the noise could have a negative effect on the visitors of the
<br />Potawatomi Conservatory and DJ's Sensory Garden. She further stated that she felt the new
<br />location would ultimately be more positive than negative, and that it was her sincere hope that
<br />the new fire station proves to be a very good neighbor.
<br />Dave Nufer, 2409 Mishawaka Avenue, South Bend, IN, echoed the preceding comments, and
<br />thanked Chief Cox for explaining why the station should be built in River Park as opposed to
<br />Potawatomi Park. Mr. Nufer also thanked Councilmember Randy Kelly for the time that he spent
<br />at the project's meetings.
<br />Steve Cox, Fire Chief with the South Bend Fire Department, 1222 South Michigan Street, South
<br />Bend, IN, stated that he appreciated the kudos from commenters. Chief Cox gave kudos to the
<br />community —as this project saw the most community input of any project he had been a part
<br />of —and gave recognition to Dave Relos of the Department of Community Investment, who
<br />worked behind the scenes and did a lot of the negotiating for the project.
<br />Those wishing to speak in opposition to this bill:
<br />Jesse Davis, P.O. Box 10205, South Bend, IN, stated that he is not necessarily in opposition to
<br />the bill, but felt that the public could use clarification on whether the appropriation of $200,000
<br />was specifically devoted to the building of the Father Hesburgh, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
<br />statue, or if any of the money would go to any other bodies, such as Animal Control. Mr. Davis
<br />stated, There has been a huge debate over that on social media, so I think there needs to be some
<br />clarification.
<br />Sharon Banicki, 4832 Ford Street, South Bend, IN, stated that she is not against the building of
<br />the fire station, but asked —given that it was known since last year that there was a need for a
<br />new fire station —why the City did not budget appropriately for the project in 2016. Ms. Banicki
<br />asked, Why wasn't all of that considered? $400,000 for land —how much is it going to cost to
<br />build it and get everything equipped there? He gave us the highlights of this, which come out to
<br />$3,000,000, but you're transferring $5,000,000. I would like the complete and total breakdown
<br />of where all this money is being spent. Ms. Banicki stated that the City had lost her faith; that she
<br />could not trust them to be financial guardians of taxpayers' money. She stated, I think
<br />accountability and transparency is probably the worst that it's ever been.
<br />Antonius Northern, 234 Rue Flambeau, South Bend, IN, stated, My concern is very similar to
<br />Ms. Banicki's in that I am concerned about where those funds are going. Primarily, my biggest
<br />concern is the $2,000,000 in the Local Road and Bridge Matching Grant Fund. I think that the
<br />$2,000,000 becomes the City's bargaining chips in order to make sure that we know ... the
<br />contractors that are going to be securing these jobs. As I have heard in different Council
<br />meetings, the City Council says from time to time, "We are unable to control these projects,
<br />because they are State -run projects, and we are just offering our local match, and then the
<br />INDOT is going to be the one who is responsible for fulfilling the actual particulars of the
<br />contract." I'm feeling like Ms. Banicki in that my faith isn't there regarding whether or not there
<br />are minority contractors as a part of this local match and as a part of creating these road projects.
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