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RESOLUTION NO. 5-/9- 2 <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, <br />INDIANA CONCERNING THE ACQUISITION, CONSTRUCTION AND LEASING <br />OF AN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FACILITY TO McCORMICK & COMPANY, <br />INCORPORATED <br />WHEREAS, the City ofSouth Bend, Indiana (the "City "), is <br />authorized by IC, 18 -6 -4.5 (the "Act ") to issue revenue bonds for <br />the financing of economic development facilities, the funds from <br />said financing to be used for the acquisition, construction and <br />equipping of said facilities,and said facilities to be leased <br />to other persons; and <br />WHEREAS, McCormick & Company, Incorporated ( "McCormick ") has <br />advised the City that it proposes that the City acquire, construct <br />and equip an economic development facility and lease the same <br />to McCormick, as lessee,said economic development facility to <br />be a food processing facility consisting of approximately 50,000 <br />square feet and certain equipment and machinery incidental to <br />the processing and storage of the products, all located on a tract <br />of approximately 8.44 acres in the Airport Industrial Park, South <br />Bend, Indiana; and <br />WHEREAS, McCormick has further advised the City that a <br />determination by the City to issue its revenue bonds under the <br />Act to finance the acquisition, construction and equipping of the <br />Project under contractual arrangements whereby the City would <br />lease the Project to McCormick and McCormick would make rental <br />payments sufficient to pay the principal of, premium, if any, <br />and interest on such bonds, will constitute a substantial induce- <br />ment to McCormick to proceed with negotiations for the acquisition <br />of the land and construction of the building improvements and <br />McCormick has agreed to pay or reimburse the costs of the City <br />whether or not such bonds are issued; and <br />WHEREAS, the diversification of economic development, increase <br />in job opportunities and increase in tax base to be achieved by <br />the acquisition, construction and equipping of the Project will <br />