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South Bend Common Council <br />Page 3 <br />In realizing that some trees will have to be removed for construction at <br />the zoo and the ecological importance and appearance of Potawatomi Park <br />must be maintained, the zoo plan calls for the planting of over 100 trees <br />and thousands of shrubs and different types of plantings. The perimeter <br />fence will also be screened by hundreds of plantings to hopefully make <br />the chain link fence blend into the natural environment. <br />One important item that must be considered is the increase of yearly <br />maintenance cost of a new zoo and the other projects in the bond issue. <br />It is hoped that the present staff at Potawatomi can maintain the new zoo. <br />I realize the new zoo is a larger area and that there will be additional <br />buildings to maintain but I feel that a new modern zoo will be easier to <br />maintain and operate thus the present staff is adequate. I did add additi- <br />onal funds for electricity ($500.00 for six months); cleaning supplies for <br />six months, $500.00; and heating cost for new zoo building, $1,000.00 in <br />the 1978 park budget for the new zoo operation. The cost to operate the <br />new zoo could be more than offset if the Park Board decidesto charge an <br />admission fee for out -of -city residents. <br />Other Proiects In Bond Issue <br />lacement of Irrigation Svstem at Erskine Golf Course <br />Erskine Golf Course is one of the finest eighteen hole golf courses in the <br />area but has one major drawback - an outdated irrigation system installed <br />by the W.P.A. in 1938. The system is plagued by numerous leaks which means <br />that the fairways must be dug up and the leaks fixed. We had over forty <br />leaks last year. The present irrigation system is manually operated which <br />means that two men - one at night and one during the daytime - must insert <br />the sprinklers into the couplings in the fairway. This is an expensive <br />operation since we loose two men from our maintenance crew to water. The <br />new system will be an automatic system and will have pop up sprinklers <br />which will be controlled by a timer. The greens superintendent can set the <br />timer before he leaves each night and the course will be watered thus saving <br />us two watering men and approximately $8,000.00 a year. The Erskine Golf <br />Course took in over $115,000.00 last year in fees and is the only park <br />facility that operates in the black (besides Elbel Golf Course). Persons <br />using the golf course pay a good price to play the course and I feel that to <br />maintain the course in top condition the irrigation system is definitely <br />needed. <br />Development of Paul F. Boehm Park (Edison Road) <br />Several years ago the Park Department purchased thirty acres of land in the <br />Northeast section of the city on Edison Road near Hickory. The thirty acre <br />tract has been undeveloped since that time. The Park Board realizing the <br />need of a neighborhood park in this section of the city included such a <br />development in the bond issue. With the help of Councilman Roger Parent, <br />a citizens committee was formed from residents living in the park are to re- <br />ceive their ideas of how they wanted their park developed. <br />