<br />III, LLC. He then took the time to review the definition of a Planned
<br />Unit Development. He
<br />explained that a PUD district ordinance is always drawn specific
<br />'ally to a property and is brought
<br />forward by a petition, after an exhaustive public process —as it
<br />was for this petition. He stated
<br />that a PUD does not necessarily equal, amongst other things, agriculture.
<br />He stated, Remaining
<br />an agricultural use doesn't seem appropriate. He explained that the
<br />2005 plan presented a vision
<br />to develop all four (4) quadrants of the area formed by Adams IF
<br />ad, running east -west, and the
<br />St. Joseph Valley Parkway, running north- south. The quadrants
<br />vere labeled A, B, C, and D.
<br />Single - Family, Two (2) Family, Multi- Family Townhomes, Civ
<br />c and Recreational Uses, Life
<br />and Destination Retail were considered appropriate zoning uses
<br />for Quadrant A. Mr. McMorrow
<br />explained that if the petition to zone the northeast quadrant, Qua
<br />rant D, to LI is approved, it
<br />does not change any of that, as there is no automatic approval ol
<br />LI on Quadrant A. The vision
<br />for the southwest quadrant, Quadrant B, was for Neighborhood
<br />Retail, Medical and Office
<br />Campus, and Assisted Living. If this petition is approved, he rei
<br />erated, none of this would
<br />change. The southeast quadrant, Quadrant C, was approved for
<br />Light Industrial uses,
<br />Commercial uses in a hotel, and Office and Flex space. He stated,
<br />If this petition is approved, it
<br />does not change any of that and, as I noted at the bottom of the image,
<br />development has occurred
<br />exactly as it was anticipated in that quadrant of the intersection.
<br />Mr. McMorrow explained that
<br />the 2005 plan allowed for a Hotel and Restaurant Park, a Resear
<br />and Development Park, and
<br />an Opportunity Site in Quadrant D, and specifically had as a use
<br />Residential Buffer Yards along
<br />Adams Road. He stated that the hotel would not be permitted if
<br />I he petition were approved, as
<br />the hotel is not permitted in a Light Industrial zone but all the other
<br />three (3) uses are permitted.
<br />Mr. McMorrow continued, If I flip the conversation and I look a
<br />all of the uses that are
<br />permitted in an LI zone, and I compare it to the 2005 PUD that
<br />was in place, virtually all of them
<br />could still occur. Again, approving an LI zone does not change any
<br />of that. He stated that the
<br />petition was to zone twenty -eight (28) of the one - hundred and t
<br />enty (120) acres to LI. He
<br />added, We are proposing a user —a business here in town that's
<br />rowing, that wants to stay in
<br />South Bend. Unlike a lot of those uses across the street, on the s
<br />uth side of Adams Road, there
<br />are three - hundred and twenty (320) employee parking spaces th
<br />t we are providing for their use;
<br />on a business that is not wholesale distribution and trucking. He
<br />explained that few trucks and
<br />tractors were on the site daily. Due to the fact that the site is ne
<br />to residential properties, and
<br />due, as well, to the discussions the petitioner has had with the Area
<br />Plan Commission, the
<br />petitioner is willing to accept a number of written commitments
<br />One was an enhanced landscape
<br />buffer in the Dylan Drive extension, composed of double-staggered
<br />evergreen trees and a privacy
<br />fence that will screen the view of the driveway and the building
<br />eyond from the residential
<br />property nearby. Another commitment agreed upon was that the
<br />e would be no roadway access
<br />to Mayflower Road, so as not to, among other things, encourage
<br />truck traffic on Mayflower
<br />Road. He stated, In the event that the balance of the property w
<br />e developed, we could
<br />incorporate a temporary connection for emergency services, sig
<br />ed and restricted in such a way
<br />that there is no through - traffic. Another commitment agreed upon
<br />was to not propose off -
<br />premises signs or billboards as part of any development on the one-hundred
<br />and twenty (120)
<br />acres. The last commitment —which was only one (1) possible
<br />an of action —was to build an
<br />enhanced Type-13 or Type -C landscape if any building or parki
<br />structure were built three -
<br />hundred (300) feet from Mayflower Road. Mr. McMorrow concluded
<br />by stating that Light
<br />Industrial is the most appropriate zoning for Quadrant D, as the original PUD essentially
<br />anticipated most of the uses proposed by an LI zoning.
<br />Councilmember Oliver Davis stated that many of those who resi e outside of City limits have
<br />expressed that they do not feel that the Council takes the time to listen to them. Councilmember
<br />Davis asked if the petitioner's party had the written commitments when they were at the Area
<br />Plan Commission meeting.
<br />Mr. McMorrow responded, It was part of the staff report.
<br />Councilmember Davis asked, Were they already online? Were they a part of our report?
<br />Mr. McMorrow responded, They were part of the Area Plan Commission staff report, yes.
<br />Councilmember Davis asked, Did you already plan to do the no access?
<br />Mr. McMorrow responded, Not when we first met with the Areq Plan Commission.
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