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I <br />WHEREAS, the parties hereto have heretofore, to wit, on the 19th <br />day of April, 1971, entered into a fourth amendment to the aforesaid <br />agreement, which said fourth amendment is now incorporated herein <br />and made a part hereof by reference; and <br />WHEREAS, since the effective date of said agreement and the <br />amendments thereto, the Indiana Legislature has enacted into law <br />certain enabling statutes (Burns Indiana Statutes Annotated, Code <br />Edition I.C. 1971, 19- 3 -11 -5 as added by Acts 1975, P.L. 214 - water- <br />works; and I.C. 1971, 19 -2 -5.5 as added by Acts 1975, P.L. 211 - <br />sewage works) designed to permit the lease - purchase of water and <br />sewage utilities such as those operated in St. Joseph County <br />by Party of the First Part; and <br />WHEREAS, preliminary negotiations between the parties hereto in <br />relation to possible lease - purchase of.said utilities in accordance <br />with the terms of the aforesaid statutes, would indicate that the <br />successful culmination of such negotiations would be in the best <br />interest of the parties and the public; and <br />WHEREAS, existing agreement as four times amended contemplates <br />the furnishing of all of the water requirements of Party of the First <br />Part (Clay Utilities) by Party of the Second Part (City of South <br />Bend) and it-is still deemed desirable that said required water should <br />be furnished exclusively by the City and accordingly the wells and <br />land acquired by Clay from Aqua, Inc. together with the interconnect, <br />booster and appurtenances subsequently added by Clay should be <br />acquired by the City of South Bend; and <br />-2- <br />