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To ° heCp- -your commuaZty get statted, the Ti-tdjaw D. {v-i, .tan u, Fotestny, <br />Depaitmen.t oA OWN Re:souv,ces, necen-tty nece-i-ved 750,000 which w.iU be <br />made. ava.i.CabCe on a 50/50 matching basis to communic i °-(.0 such as youns. The. <br />Ao.t.tow:ing is a list o A projects which mitt quali_ l y lot .these matching AuHds : <br />-- Detsun ninq .iA thence -is a need Aon a pantiau.Can (I.n.ban and Community Fonestny <br />Rocnam, and the extent oA that need. <br />-- Pnepan ing detailed plans lot atbonicuttuAe on urban Aonestay open space, <br />etc. <br />-- pnognams Aon urban wood utitiza,tion, inctud-iag energy consenvation. <br />-- Devetopiny educationat and /on tna( QoW; inceading the use oA wonh- <br />shops, semi.natcs, symposia, etc. <br />-- DnaAt-ing on landscape otd-i.nances on puns lot the neg.istnation and/oA <br />cettt.Aication oA qualillad tree wonhens. <br />-- Promoting methods oA communications, <br />Men -ta ion. <br />-- Undontakag Meet tnee. -inventoniu . <br />teehnotogy -t,AansAct and neseatch impte- <br />-- Advancing pest contnot appt i-cati.on methods. <br />-- Pcnt.icipating in special eAAoTts such as Anbo4 Day and We City USA. <br />-- ptotecti-on anuf con.tnot oA unbar wi.idt.tAe. <br />-- DeveZop-inj guidei'.ines lot and adva C-Mg p4opex techniques Aar the setection <br />pIOPag"GOn, Wanting, and malate-nalce 01 u7-ban ;fones.tky species <br />cued ctletivats a.nd got their nemovat as nece.ssany. <br />-- Devetopi, methods Sot involving the pn..ivate lec.tom in the pfann-ing and action <br />stages. <br />- -Coordinating techniques lot cooperation with paths and necneation. <br />This Wt in not. alt- incius.(ve., but inctudes most oA the activities. <br />TA you cu.nteoUy have aVl Urban Forestay PnogAam ot are dnte`Lested in dove- <br />CoPQ such a p-togtW contact John F. Datcaa, State Foncstet at the addus.s <br />;i on the pnev.ious page. <br />K enough ,interest is shown concenniug the Unbcu! Fones.tuy Ptoctam and /o4 <br />avaiCab.ifity of matching }lords, thence is a goo& possibiCiq a the State ncc.e.iv- <br />ing additiouaC Au"ds to be used in this mannei. The Minion oA Funcstty we.C- <br />comes your .i!lquity and .is anxious to heat A= you. <br />JDC /db <br />cc <br />