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2. SUMMER FUN PROGRAM (ACTION /YOUTH SERVICES BUREAU) <br />ACTION, Inc. and the Youth Services Bureau will sponsor a comprehensive <br />program of recreational and cultural enrichment, for low - income dis- <br />advantaged youth, ages 8 -13. The program will take place at city parks <br />and at ACTION's Neighborhood Centers. <br />The Summer Fun Program is an attempt to use recreation as a therapy mode <br />to produce positive results when working with young people. The program <br />will operate for eight weeks in the summer, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., <br />five days a week. Traditional activities such as kickball, softball and <br />swimming are used in the program. In addition, a variety of "new games" <br />will be introduced to participants. New games is a philosophy of play <br />based on cooperative, rather than competitive, activities. These are <br />games in which no one loses. The idea of cooperation is somewhat foreign <br />to many youth. Games are designed to foster that concept, as well as <br />to help young people.learn to work effectively in groups. <br />The programs will be centered at three of ACTION's neighborhood centers: <br />Northeast Neighborhood Center, Southeast Center and LaSalle- Fillmore <br />Center. Each center is located in close proximity to a neighborhood <br />park, where outdoor recreational activities will take place. The centers <br />will be used for rainy day activities. <br />Recruitment for the program will be done by neighborhood center staffs, <br />thus assuring that program participants will be economically disadvant- <br />aged youngsters. Forty (40) to fifty (50) participants are anticipated <br />at each of the three sites. Consequently, there will be approximately <br />150 direct beneficiaries. <br />An extensive program of field trips will be provided. Most of the trips <br />will be within the South Bend area: to local business places, museums, <br />roller skating, and other places of local interest. Additionally, three <br />trips to out -of -town destinations are planned: Brookfield Zoo, Warren <br />Dunes State Park, and Fernwood Nature Preserve. Aside from the 150 <br />primary beneficiaries noted above, these field trips will involve <br />approximately 100 secondary beneficiaries. These beneficiaries are <br />economically disadvantaged youngsters who will participate in non -CSA <br />funded Summer Fun activities at Memorial and Kennedy Parks. <br />The Summer Fun Program will be concluded with all program participants <br />gathering at Potawatomi Park for a New Games tournament and farewell <br />cookout. <br />