<br />JANUARY 23, 2017
<br />work arrangement. The example I used previously was that Consuela Hawkins was on our EDC
<br />board and mentioned that a business like hers — small, local business — wanted to expand but did
<br />not need a big place. We kind of utilize something small like this in a totally different market
<br />area, where they might be able to garner some more business. That was an exciting story that a
<br />lot of the small businesses were eager to see. Eighteen (18) townhomes bordering Georgiana
<br />Avenue, so it has a residential feel now where the Triangle Neighborhood is, right across the
<br />street from that. Public green space is part of the overall development —it is not private green
<br />space with the Eddy Street residence: it is completely open to the public and privately
<br />maintained. The big thing is: a newly constructed and doubled in size Robinson Community
<br />Learning Center.
<br />Mr. Pawlowski then discussed affordable housing. He stated, I know in conversations with many
<br />Councilmembers there was a question about new development coming into town —how we
<br />might work in affordable housing components in various forms to those types of projects. We
<br />had conversations with the developer and other partners involved in the project, and basically
<br />figured out ways to have some lots within the broader neighborhood of Eddy Street, all the way
<br />over to St. Peter, etc, and have lots at the South Bend Heritage Foundation, which does work in
<br />this area, most prominently on Hill Street. We have a really solid partner in the NNRO. The
<br />work that they do, they continue to do with lots on which they would not have to expend any
<br />costs. So, we thought that that was a good thing to work into the agreement as well. This is a
<br />project that comes to you with approvals from the Economic Development Commission, as well
<br />as the Redevelopment Commission. This is the final step. After this, we would go work with a
<br />private partner to go secure these bonds.
<br />Matt Gavett, Kite Realty Group, 30 South Meridian Street, Indianapolis, IN, continued the
<br />presentation. Mr. Gavett stated, We have worked hard at developing this plan in conjunction
<br />with the City, in conjunction with the University, to really try to fit well into the neighborhood.
<br />We have tried to limit the amount of surface parking that is visible to the residents. We have also
<br />reached out to the neighborhood communities, the residents, the various neighborhood
<br />organizations. We have had two (2) separate meetings and we have received a lot of really good
<br />feedback in terms of concerns, thoughts that they have had —such as the extension of Quigley
<br />Place into the Triangle. Quigley will not extend through the Triangle, so if the concern is about
<br />traffic, that has been mitigated. Also, setbacks along Georgiana Avenue: we worked out a way —
<br />it's in our zoning application —that we will have ten (10) foot setbacks from the sidewalks to the
<br />buildings. We have underground parking facilities. Those facilities are necessary for the density
<br />of the project, to create the dense, walkable, urban feel that we have with Phase I and continue
<br />south on Phase II.
<br />Councilmember Dr. David Varner stated, First of all, I think it is important to note for the record
<br />that a significant portion of that $25,000,000 is in support of the hotel, which is not listed as part
<br />of the item but in fact it is. The second thing is the expectation that the bond issue will be about
<br />$1,300,000 per year, and we are expecting perhaps as much as $2,000,000 a year in revenue.
<br />There is a fiscal cliff, and we are not looking forward to it. I think it is important that at some
<br />point in time, we begin to look at one of these TIF Districts as surpluses, repatriating some of
<br />that money for the benefit. I know you have to pay a bond this year. I would hope that we don't
<br />limit ourselves to the uses simply within this TIF District. This surplus of $700,000 —I think it is
<br />a good time to get started on it, since we are pretty sure it is going to be there. I hope that we
<br />have some more discussions on that in the future.
<br />Mr. Pawlowski, responding to Councilmember Dr. Varner, explained that there is now additional
<br />pressure on the River East TIF District. He stated, So, we are going to be looking for all the
<br />access we can find and we will be looking to do those projects —not just within this space that
<br />we are talking about here, but outside of it. Encompassing it and serving it are definitely very
<br />high on our priority list.
<br />This being the time heretofore set for the Public Hearing on the above bill, proponents and
<br />opponents were given an opportunity to be heard.
<br />Those wishing to speak in favor of this bill:
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