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Peter H. Mullen <br />Director, Administration and <br />Finance <br />CITY of <br />PETER <br />SOUTH <br />J. NEMETH, <br />BEND <br />Mayor <br />COUNTY -CITY BUILDING SOUTH BEND, INDIANA 46601 <br />Members of the Common Council <br />City Council Office <br />Fourth Floor County -City Bldg. <br />South Bend, IN 46601 <br />May 10, 1979 <br />Dear Members of the Common Council: <br />Attached is a resolution beginning the process of issuing a mortgage - <br />backed housing bond. <br />219/284 -9742 <br />We are starting this process because of a possibility that the Federal <br />government may either stop this bonding method or, at least, restrict <br />its usage. It appears that the uniqueness and popularity of these <br />bonds have caused concern over the loss of Federal tax monies. <br />As you know, Senator Doug Hunt sponsored this bill in the Indiana <br />Senate which was approved by both houses and ultimately signed into <br />law. <br />Indiana's bill basically allows this mortgage bond to be used inside the <br />city limits of South Bend for those families who have a combined family <br />income of approximately $20,000.00 or less. This procedure will be <br />worked in joint cooperation with any institution that presently is in <br />the home mortgage business in South Bend. <br />We feel that this mortgage will be an excellent tool to make South Bend <br />an attractive city to purchase a home. But, because of the possibility <br />of the Federal government restricting this fine urban tool, we would <br />request that the Council pass this resolution. In the event that Congress <br />grandfathers any municipality "in the process" we feel that we will be <br />considered as a city falling in that category. <br />Very truly/yqurs, <br />Meter H! -Mu I I en <br />City ontroller <br />PHM /mer <br />