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RESOLUTION No. ?A ? -.;p <br />AN INDUCEMENT RESOLUTION RELATING <br />TO THE IRELAND /IRONWOOD ASSOCIATES PROJECT <br />WHEREAS, pursuant to I.C. 18- 6 -4.5, the Common Council <br />of the City of South Bend, Indiana, created the South Bend Eco- <br />nomic Development Commission, which Commission heretofore has <br />investigated, studied, surveyed and reported to the Mayor and the <br />Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, that a need <br />exists in the community for additional job opportunities and com- <br />mercial and industrial diversification within the City of South <br />Bend, Indiana; and in order to improve and promote job opportun- <br />ities, commercial diversification and the general welfare of the <br />area within the City of South Bend, Indiana, a financing agreement <br />should be entered into with Ireland /Ironwood Associates or its <br />assigns, relating to a project to be known as the "Ireland /Iron- <br />wood Associates Project "; and <br />WHEREAS, Ireland /Ironwood Associates is an existing <br />partnership established in the trade or business of owning land <br />and erecting structures thereon and renting commercial and of- <br />fice property and desires to purchase a One point Four (1.4) <br />acre parcel of land located on the Southwest corner of Ireland <br />and Ironwood in the City of South Bend, Indiana, and desires to <br />construct and erect thereon a One (1) story shopping center build- <br />ing in an "L" design of Forty -eight (4-8) feet e.ide, Two Hundred <br />Thirty -five (235) feet long in a North /South direction and Forty <br />(40) feet wide and Fifty (50) feet long in an East direction <br />comprising approximately Fourteen Thousand (14,000) square feet <br />for lease to shopping center tenants, which new structure shall <br />be used by said tenants for commercial sales and office use <br />which new facility is anticipated to create Twenty -two (22) new <br />jobs; and <br />WHEREAS, to induce Ireland /Ironwood Associates, or its <br />assigns, to become the principal user of such economic develop- <br />ment facilities, the Common Council of the City of South Bend <br />desires to adopt this resolution; and <br />WHEREAS, it is apparent that the development of the <br />Ireland /Ironwood Project will increase job opportunities and <br />commercial diversification in South Bend, Indiana, resulting in <br />a benefit to the welfare of the public in the City of South <br />Bend, Indiana, and in St. Joseph County, Indiana. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council <br />of the City of South Bend, Indiana, as follows: <br />1. Section 1. That approval is hereby given to the <br />application of Ireland /Ironwood Associates, or its assigns, <br />relating to the purchase of land and the construction and erection <br />of such economic development facilities under an arrangement <br />whereby the cost of such land, construction and erection would <br />be paid from the proceeds of the Industrial Revenue Bonds to be <br />issued by the City of South Bend, Indiana, for an amount not <br />exceeding Seven Hundred Ten Thousand ($710,000.00) Dollars, re- <br />payable with interest thereon over a period of time and with a <br />maturity date which does not exceed beyond Eighteen (18) years <br />after the issue date. <br />