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WHEREAS, it is now deemed advisable to express formally <br />and in writing the understanding heretofore informally dis- <br />cussed by the parties hereto, <br />NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of <br />the mutual undertakings herein expressed, the parties herto <br />recognize and intend as follows: <br />A. The City represents and intends: <br />1. That the City is authorized by the provisions of <br />the Act to finance the acquisition and construction of the <br />Project and for the purpose of paying the cost of such ac- <br />quisition and construction, including expenses incidental <br />thereto, is authorized as aforesaid to issue its revenue <br />bonds payable from the revenues and income derived by the <br />City from the Project. <br />2. That the City intends, subject in all respects <br />to the provisions and requirements of the Act and to a <br />sale of the bonds on terms satisfactory to Diversified, <br />to authorize, issue, sell and deliver its revenue bonds, <br />to be issued in one or more series (in an aggregate prin- <br />cipal amount of approximately $350,000, which amount will <br />be fixed by ordinance of the City at a later date and <br />agreed to by Diversified, but not to exceed the cost of <br />acquiring and constructing the Project and expenses inci- <br />dental thereto as estimated at the time of the issuance <br />of the bonds) and apply the proceeds therefrom to the <br />payment of the cost of acquiring and constructing the <br />Project, provided that prior to the issuance and delivery <br />of such revenue bonds there shall have been entered into <br />between Diversified and the City appropriate financing <br />agreements upon terms which will comply with the provisions <br />of the Act and which will provide for the payment by Diver- <br />sified of amounts which will be sufficient to enable the <br />City to pay the principal of and interest on such revenue <br />bonds. <br />- 2 - <br />