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REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 9, 1976 <br />this. Mr. Brunner asked Mr. Lehner where the proceeds from the <br />program go. Mr. Lehner; said the proceeds go toward the use of <br />the truck and one full-time worker. Mr. Bartlett of Goodwill <br />Industries was present and said a letter was sent to the Board <br />of Public Works giving them Goodwill Industries' position on the <br />matter. It was noted that the letter has not yet been received. <br />Mr. Bartlett said this is a very worthwhile program and it has <br />worked. However, he said Goodwill will be moving into smaller <br />quarters after April 1, 1976 and will not have any space available <br />to offer the program. Mr. Mullen many volunteers were <br />working on the program at this time. Mr. Lehner said the volunteers <br />come and go and right now there were less than ten. He said they <br />have, in the past, asked for assistance from groups like the Boy <br />Scouts. Mr. Lehner then distributed an information sheet to the <br />members of the Board listing their housing needs, other needs, <br />the monthly intake of the center and the reason they need to find <br />a new headquarters. Mr. Brunner said this would seem a <br />matter that the Board cannot resolve today and he would suggest <br />that it be taken under advisement until the correspondence from <br />Goodwill Industries has been .received and until the Board members <br />have had an opportunity to review the material and confer with <br />each other. Mr. Lehner was asked by Mr. Mullen if his organization <br />paid rent and utilities to Goodwill Industries. Mr. Lehner said <br />this was a shared arrangement with the S.T.A.R.T, organization <br />using Goodwill facilities and the money collected going. to Goodwill <br />Industries for the use of the facility and the truck. Mr. Mullen <br />asked Mr. Lehner if the center was taking in $400 a month. Mr. <br />Lehner said it was running from $400 to $500 per month. Mrs. <br />Frederick Mutzl, of the Fair Tax Association, asked Mr. Bartlett whether <br />Goodwill Industries could not continue to give space to the center <br />since Goodwill is a United Way recipient and, also, needs to provide <br />word; for the handicapped. Mr. Bartlett said the problem was they <br />will not have the space to offer the center after they move. Upon <br />motion made by Mr. Farrand, seconded by Mr. Brunner and carried, <br />the Board took the matter under advisement until the correspondence <br />from Goodwill Industries is received and until the Board members have <br />had a chance to review all the information. The letter and fact <br />sheet from S.T.A.R.T. were ordered filed. <br />REQUEST FOP. ST . JOSEPH RIVER -RUN ON MAY 8 <br />Bruce Carter, representative of the Michiana Watershed, Inc., was <br />present and submitted to the Board a request to hold the Sixth <br />Annual River Run on May 8, 1976. They are requesting the use of <br />Leeper Park and Veterans Memorial Park. Mr. Carter said the <br />request would be submitted to the Board of Park Commissioners this <br />afternoon. He submitted to the Board a copy of the Certificate of <br />Insurance and the waiver of liability form to be signed by participants <br />and asked that they be reviewed. Mr. Carter said the cost of the <br />insurance was very high and he said if the Board could consider <br />lowering the amount on the Certificate of Insurance to less than the <br />$500,000 required last year, it would be appreciated. Mr. Carter <br />said the organization abides by the rules of the U.S.C.A. and the- <br />A.C.A. and take all precautions. Mr. Brunner said the City Attorney's <br />office would review the Certificate of Insurance and the waiver of <br />liability and would have a report for the Board next Tuesday. Mr. <br />Farrand made a motion that the request be referred to the City Attorney <br />for a review of the insurance and liability and to the Bureau of Traffic <br />and Lighting for coordination of the event with the Police Department. <br />The motion was seconded by Mr. Brunner and carried. <br />