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Staff Report <br />11/4/2016 <br />Because of the moderate density of the townhomes and the overall layout of the property, <br />the proposed development should not be injurious to the public health, safety, or general <br />welfar of the community. <br />(2) The use and value of the area adjacent to the property included in the variance <br />will not be affected in a substantially adverse manner; <br />With proper screening and architectural detail as required by the Northeast Neighborhood <br />Zoning Overlay, the development should not have an adverse impact on the use or value of <br />the adjacent properties provided the mechanical equipment is located as far from the <br />public space as possible. <br />(3) The strict application of the terms of this Chapter would result in practical <br />difficulties in the use of the property <br />The strict application of terms would result in the practical difficulties in the use of the <br />property. The minimum separation between buildings would prohibit the ability to <br />subdivide the property at a future date. Even though the massing of the proposed buildings <br />are similar to other buildings in the area, the small size of the house immediately abutting <br />this site creates a practical difficulty from constructing a medium density residential <br />building. Because the buildings are located on a corner lot, strict application related to the <br />placement of the mechanical equipment is difficult but the intent of the ordinance could be <br />met by locating them behind the building fagade and as far from the public space as <br />possible. <br />Staff Comments: <br />The staff has no additional comments at this time. <br />Recommendation: <br />Based on information available prior to the public hearing, the staff recommends that the <br />rezoning petition be sent to the Common Council with a favorable recommendation. The <br />staff recommends approval of the variances, subject to the mechanicals being located <br />along the rear building fagade. <br />Analysis: <br />Rezoning this property to MF1 Urban Corridor Multifamily District will allow for a <br />variety of housing options in this area in order to address the demands of the market. <br />APC 4 2800 -16 Page 4 of 4 <br />