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lives. The simple act of locking our <br />doors at night or taking our vehicles <br />for routine oil changes are control <br />activities intended to achieve objec- <br />tives of keeping our home safe and <br />our cars in good order. Given that <br />most employees in the county audi- <br />tor's office are also parents, one <br />training exercise applied an internal <br />control thought process to an objec- <br />tive that parents have: Keeping their <br />children healthy. The environment <br />most parents have established in their <br />household incorporates personal <br />responsibility for one's well- being. <br />Parents assess the risk that their chil- <br />dren might get cavities, due to their <br />proclivity to like sweets and their <br />unwillingness to brush and floss as <br />often as their parents want them to. <br />To minimize this risk, parents take <br />their children to the dentist every <br />six months, even if nothing is wrong <br />with their teeth. Parents seek reli- <br />able information when choosing their <br />dentist or the treatment plans recom- <br />mended. And" parents monitor their <br />children's dental health; if repeated <br />cavities occur, parents might imple- <br />ment new activities, such as giving <br />their children incentives to brush and <br />floss more regularly. <br />By understanding how internal <br />control systems have relevance to <br />our daily lives, employees should be <br />more apt to recognize the need for <br />enhanced controls at the workplace. <br />Once employees are comfortable <br />with the definition and components <br />of internal control, they can then be <br />introduced to the 17 principles that <br />represent the requirements for an <br />effective control system.4 Staff can <br />then integrate these principles in their <br />daily responsibilities. For example, <br />one function in a county auditor's <br />office is to process payroll. The objec- <br />tive is clear: No employee should be <br />paid more or less than their approved <br />salary, and tax withholdings and <br />benefit deductions must be correct. <br />But what is the risk that this objective <br />will not be met? For some counties, <br />the risk of payroll errors might be <br />attributed to archaic or faulty payroll <br />software programs or to a lack of <br />available payroll staff. To minimize <br />this risk, staff can be cross - trained in <br />Analysts estimate the world's data will grow 50 fold <br />in the next five years. Federal government agencies <br />already produce and house massive amounts of data, <br />collected from a variety of sources. Most of this data is <br />unstructured, and deemed too large or raw for analysis. <br />Many federal agencies struggle with successfully <br />mining data out of separate systems to capture <br />processes and search for anomalies to understand <br />where internal controls are absent or weak. <br />We Partner with Industry Leaders to Implement <br />Innovative Continuous Monitoring Software <br />' A Service Disabled Veteran -Owned Business <br />Source: /2012 /01 /internal- <br />co nt ro I -i me g rated - framework -20- years -I ate r. <br />htm1#sthashAXBB8Kt4.dpbs <br />payroll processing, and a non - payroll <br />employee could be assigned to cross <br />check payroll reports with the pay <br />levels set i.;i the annual salary ordi- <br />nance. Department heads could be <br />required to sign off on their employee <br />pay prior to the issuance of paychecks, <br />AOC Solutions brings a cadre of experienced federal <br />financial professionals who have successfully assisted <br />federal agencies in tackling "Big Data" challenges. <br />AOC is partnering with industry leaders to bring <br />Continuous Monitoring suites of applications to <br />federal Agencies in line with OMB's call for innovative <br />methods to identify, prevent, detect, and correct <br />erroneous and improper transactions. <br />With our Continuous Monitoring and data mining <br />solutions and our extensive experience in the design <br />and implementation of data, process and system <br />reviews, AOC Solutions can help Agencies gain traction <br />in leveraging their data for success. <br />�e <br />AOC <br />703.234.6300 1 <br />EXCELLENCE WITHOUT EXCEPTION <br />FALL 2016 JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 23 <br />