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CaITL1~I~ l~IEE`f'INCr <br />(?CT~3EEI~ 12 2009 342 <br />WI-l[E AS, to City of South Eend, Indiana ("City'") is a unicipality for p Dees of <br />Indi a Codo §32-24-2-2; d <br />WI-IEP~EI~S, tho City has date rood that it is nocossary to soparato tho existing <br />co brood so~vor systo located along a corridor begi ing at to Sto Josoph I~ivor north of to <br />Caroline Street ° d Lincoln Way East ("Projoct"~ which. Projoct v,~ill sorvo a public purposo, be <br />of bonoft to to hoalth or oneral v~olfaro of the unit, and bo in to best iraterost of the citizons of <br />tho City, . d <br />WfIE AS, p su t to Indiana Codo §36-9-6-3 d Indiana Codo X32-24-2-4, tho <br />City of South Eond, Indiana, hoard of Public Works (AEoard@) is tho ontity vosted with to <br />authority d po~vor to acquiro, recoivo, rnanago and taro for to proporly of tho City d to <br />const~°uct tho Project; d <br />WIdE ~S, on July 13, 2009, subjoct to confi anon of tho logal doscription, to Eoard <br />approvod d adoptod lZosolution Igo. 36-2009 ontitlod f1 Res®l~tir~n C9f~T`he City ~f S®uth 13~rcc~ <br />~r~rci C~.f ~'a~bli~ ~r°ks 1Z~lat~c~ 7'® A~quisiti®~a ~,f P~°ope~°ty In 7'h~ ~'it~ ~~'S'~uth I3er~cl, Indiaz~c~ <br />~1'a°v~:ky~rthc~~a L)~°i~~ ,St~~°rra c~n~l S'c~~itc~ry ,Se~~~° S~pc~rrxti~n Pr°~j~et; P~°c~~e~t #10~-OSO) <br />("I~ocl story IZosolution"); and <br />WI-IE ~.5, the Declaratory IZesolaition furthor found and deco rood that in ordor to <br />proporly co ploto tho Project it is nocessary to acquiro d to City wants to acquiro certain <br />proporty intorosts in roal proporly locatod at 1601 L,incolnway East as oro p icularly <br />doscribod and dopictod on A ~~c~ E'.~ibit g`A" and ~1 ~e '.~zi~ ~` " (colloctivoly <br />"proporly"} said oxiits boing atlacod horoto d incorporatod horoin; and <br />WISE r~S, purse t to Indi a Codo § 32-24-2-6, tho Eo d has causod a notico <br />conco ing passago of tho L)oclaratory Ftosolution to bo publishod onto oath gook for t~vo <br />consocutivo oohs in a nospapor of gonoral circulation publishod in South Eond, Indiana, d <br />lotting tho Decl story I~osolution for furthor considoration on may 1S, 209 at x:30 a. in <br />oo;r~ 130$, County City wilding, 227 West Jofforson Eoulovard, South Bond, Indi a; and <br />WIdE ~S, Staff has subsoquontly advisod tho Eoard that at the Proporty o Dr's <br />roquost, Staff rovisod tho logal doscription for the proporly in ordor to includo tho rivor b <br />abutting proporly and tho St. Josoph l~ivor; and <br />W~IE t~S, as of tho dato and Brno specified in tho notico, tho Eo d rocoivod NC <br />ro onstr cos, and ~Tt~ porsons intorostod in or affoctod by tho procoeding askod to o ho don <br />tho attor; d <br />WfIE AS, at a public Doting held by the Eoard on this 12~~' day of t7ctoor, 2009, at <br />9;30 a° ., in Roo 130, Co ty-City wilding, 227 Wost Jofforson I~oulov d, South Eond, <br />Indi a, tho Eo d has furthor considorod to nocessity and dosirability of acquiring tho <br />proporly, d having hoard all porsons intorostod in tho procoodings d rocoivod any var°itton <br />