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Council Attorney Cekanski- Farrand stated they would just have to strike from the title and the <br />body of the ordinance the area that is going to be removed. <br />Mr. Kerr stated he just talked to the County and there are no plans to keep Chippewa closed. The <br />question was brought up to them whether it was worth considering that option but the decision <br />was made not to close Chippewa and they hope to have it open within the next two (2) to three <br />(3) weeks. <br />Councilmember Davis thanked him for looking into that. <br />Councilmember Ferlic stated from reading the minutes provided it is his understanding that we <br />were providing a list of streets for then consideration for the 2017 budget. That is not to say that <br />if we can find a way to do it this year we shouldn't. It was his assumption that the list we put <br />together was not for this year. <br />Councilmember Davis stated that is not what he remembers. He stated he wanted to hold up that <br />appropriation but we were told that we would come back in September. <br />Councilmember Ferlic referenced that in the minutes, Eric Horvath stated it would be in the 2017 <br />budget. <br />Councilmember Dr. David Varner stated it was his thoughts that we were providing suggestions <br />for the use of this initial appropriation. We were talking about this initial $2 million. He stated he <br />might not have heard Mr. Horvath say it would be considered for 2017. <br />Councilmember Jo M. Broden stated it was her understanding that we were talking about the <br />balance of the 2017 LOIT dollars and where those would go and that the project timeline was <br />that those would happen in 2017. It is still part of the budget process. <br />Committee Chair White stated because there is a lot of disagreement, she asked if it would be the <br />Committee's pleasure to follow Mr. Murphy's recommendation so that when we do take action <br />we have clarity. <br />Council Attorney Cekanski - Farrand stated if the Committee wishes to do that, you would strike <br />from the title the $2.3 million dollars of the special LOIT. <br />Committeemember John Voorde made a motion to strike the language previously referenced by <br />the Council Attorney and to send it favorably to the Common Council. Committeemember Gavin <br />Ferlic seconded the motion which carried by a voice vote of four (4) ayes. <br />With no further business before the Committee, Committee Chair Karen White adjourned the <br />meeting at 4:08 p.m. <br />Res ectfully Submitted,�� <br />Karen White, Committee Chair <br />7 <br />