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d <br />seconded by Mr. Caldwell and Carried, the Proposal was approved and executed. <br />REGULAR MEETING <br />FEBRUARY 13, 1995 <br />APPROVAL OF CONTRACT - PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - TRIAD ENGINEERING <br />Mr. Leszczynski noted that the Board is in receipt of a Contract between the City of South Bend and <br />Triad Engineering Incorporated, 325 East Chicago Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to provide <br />professional engineering services in upgrading of secondary clarifiers at the South Bend Wastewater <br />Treatment Plant. Further, Triad Engineering indicated that based on the scope of work, it is <br />estimated the cost of Phase I to be $14,800.00, and additions or deletions from the proposed scope <br />of work will result in an adjustment to the fee. Therefore, upon a motion made by Mr. Leszczynski, <br />seconded by Mr. Caldwell and carried, the Contract was approved and executed. <br />APPROVE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CONTRACTS AND ADDENDA <br />The following Community Development Contracts and Addenda were presented to the Board for <br />approval: <br />Contract/Addenda <br />Christmas in April, Inc. <br />Community Coordinated <br />Child Care <br />Historic Preservation <br />Commission <br />Emergency Repair <br />Bureau of Housing <br />Administration <br />Code Enforcement <br />Clean Up <br />Code Enforcement Mgt <br />& Inspection <br />Code Enforcement <br />Amount Description <br />$ 70,000 Support for 1995 housing rehab activities <br />$ 45,000 Child care subsidies for low/mod families <br />$ 19,000 Historic preservation activities <br />$100,000 <br />$438,000 <br />$ 41,000 <br />$150,100 <br />$ 60,000 <br />Receivership <br />Neighborhood Watch $100,000 <br />Neighborhood Patrols $100,000 <br />Real Services Guardian- $ 8,000 <br />ship <br />Real Services Older Adult $ 9,800 <br />Rehab activities for low income homeowners <br />Staff/technical support for BOH, HDC, <br />CHC, and Christmas in April housing <br />Clean up of properties in inner city <br />Inspections of substandard bldgs. in inner city <br />Enforcement for decent housing for low/ <br />moderate tenants <br />Crime prevention activities in inner city <br />Directed neighborhood police patrols <br />Pilot program in cooperation with Adult <br />Protective Services to insure safety for <br />elderly clients <br />Counseling for older crime victims <br />Crime Victim <br />Parks Department <br />Playground Equipment <br />$ 70,000 <br />Low/mod neighborhood park improvements <br />Playground Resurfacing <br />$ 30,000 <br />Rum Village Playground <br />$ 60,000 <br />Neighborhood Partner- <br />$420,000 <br />Public works funds for 7 Partnership neighbor - <br />ships -Public Works <br />hoods: SE, Rum Village, NE, Near NW, Far <br />NW, Near Westside, and Westside <br />Planning & Neighborhood <br />$237,694 <br />Admin. support foroneighborhood and <br />Development Admin. <br />planning and comprehensive community <br />development planning <br />Center City Associates 0 <br />SBCDA Revolving Loan 0 Continues commercial loan program <br />Parking Lot Income Admin Continues eligible uses of program income fo <br />CCA administration <br />Upon a motion made by Mr. Leszczynski, seconded by Mrs. Manier and carried, the above referred <br />to Contracts and Addenda were approved and executed. <br />APPROVE CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 - GOOD NEIGHBORS/GOOD NEIGHBORHOODS - <br />ZONE 10 - RIETH RILEY -PROJECT 94-22 <br />Mr. Leszczynski advised that Mr. Bob Allen, Construction Manager, Division of Engineering, has <br />submitted Change Order No. 1 indicating that the Contract amount be decreased $39,510.48 for a <br />