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both and we want I &M to step up and do this and that is why it is important to speak the truth. It <br />is the truth that coal is dangerous to our environment and it is the truth that Rockport is where <br />I &M is burning coal in large quantities and that problem is not going to be changed until they <br />transition away from Rockport. That is why the resolution should specifically call for closing <br />that plant. <br />Council Attorney Cekanski- Farrand asked if any other communities and their legislative bodies <br />are addressing this issue and being asked to do this. <br />Ms. Perras responded not yet. This was something that when a few councilmembers expressed <br />interest in doing a resolution the Sierra Club took them up on their offer. We did go to the City <br />of Indianapolis during a past campaign and we had the votes to pass it when Indianapolis power <br />announced they would stop burning coal at the local power plant. They converted that plant to <br />natural gas. <br />Committee Chair Dr. Varner stated when Ms. Perras and he first had a discussion on this issue he <br />took away that there is a whole lot of room for disagreement and agreement on this issue. What <br />the biggest disagreement seems to be is over the timeline of how this transition happens. It seems <br />what the vast majority of everyone wants is an eventual transition to these renewable resources <br />and that looks like it will happen eventually. Committee Chair Dr. Varner stated there are many <br />things involved in regards to values of the City. One value would be health, and the other value <br />that exists is public labor at the plants. To the extent that this resolution goes to the Council, it <br />may not be the exact language the Sierra Club wants and they will be free to pull it if that is the <br />case. From that aspect, part of the Council's job is to represent everyone not just the few <br />thousand people in Indiana that are part of the Sierra Club. He expressed his support for a well <br />thought out organized plan where everyone can look at it and say that we are moving forward in <br />a positive way. <br />Committeemember Davis stated he likes Committee Chair Dr. Varner's thoughts on the issue. <br />He stated his opinion that the two (2) sides can keep talking and having dialogue and get as close <br />together as we can on the language. We need to go line by line and get something we are all <br />relatively happy with. Since South Bend would be the first city to specifically address this issue <br />it would nice to have something positive and state where we are on our values. This is the <br />beginning of a coming together from both groups and it's better to have a simple statement that <br />everyone can agree with than to have nothing or something that is divisive. <br />Committee Chair Dr. Varner asked if anyone from the Sustainability office would like to speak. <br />Therese Dorau, Director of the Office of Sustainability with offices on the 13th Floor of the <br />County -City Building, stated she has great relationships with both I &M and the Sierra Club. <br />I &M has been a responsive and supportive partner in regards to our economic development <br />effort and infrastructure that were needed. In her opinion, I &M's renewable energy policies are <br />not as aggressive as you would see in other utilities however they are beholden to their <br />shareholders and state policy is extraordinarily difficult to navigate at this point. The issue with <br />the energy efficiency programs was a disaster for all utilities in the state. I &M is not pushing the <br />most aggressive energy policies but like Mr. Cobb stated it is our goal and job to push them <br />7 <br />