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u° <br />s <br />N'v <br />3 <br />4 <br />r� <br />FOR USE OF DESIGNATING :•. <br />We have rev.1twed our•prlor actlor!s relating to the designation of this ecoitorhic revitalization area and find that the:apppcanlineets the:gonerai <br />resolulion, seed tlnde .:lC. 619, 92.1 2.3, .proYldes „for t ie fgltov g UrrNt@tio i`s as <br />adopted in<6i9 resotgtign previously approved by this body. $01d- -0 ;, <br />� arit�htnz @d urger tCtii -t � 'f,21 2 ; <br />the �esrgnated area h>tsbeen limited to a period of time not to exceed calendar years ” (see belowj. The date this designation expires <br />,. <br />NOT!`: this question addresses whether the resolution contains an expiration agate for the designated area. <br />B type of deductioh thdrIi il 10. ftdl i ttfe designated area is'litnited29 ' <br />❑ = ❑ N ' ❑ Enhanced Abaibment perk & 1 d 121.18 f <br />1 i:166 iibtibri bf new meni btudng agtnpment ' +Yes o <br />s _, s a Ch�edrb ®Srria(nsnhansedaha$mehtwss <br />7 ifrst311656n of nbW res'eaft#) d,deveiopnt egu�pment, ©Ylia . r dititesafypes <br />, <br />} approved #ardrie ormore <br />3 Installation otnewingis�icgxcltstrlbutian equ(pitlert> , ❑Yes j7 No, <br />4`: instaitatiori of n`ewnforrnation fechnolpgy equipriient; ` �7 Yes,, N o,- <br />:. <br />C5 Ttie ainot7rit'o"f deduction applicabfe o neSv manafactudng ec(uipifie�t is limit Ito sb cast with fin assessed value o <br />+` �OhobothJtnesmaybeledqutosi� /IsleAjt;ifdetreq) <br />i) t Aunt. de �cijon app i Itke fo view re&eari ft end dip",, loprl n e9uipr tent 1 fimlxed fb $ cosx with�iJn assessed value <br />§c, ...,... <br />$ : (One orboth !Ines may be fifted out to establish'a limit, if desired} <br />E. Th`e arho(int of deduction apPNcable to new logistfaa{ dishibutlon'egti7pmerit isimited to $ : ` ` cost: with `an assessedvalue of <br />�•� . (q fte grhotl� lipes, rnayt�e QIlgd.out to establish almtii tf deslnerf.) :. _ <br />F The of 8educffon a plf'— b to new IMOrmabon tectxrolog}� egU)j�ment is Iitntted to cost w11fi an assessed value of <br />amount Y <br />G. Other Iimitaligns or conditions (specify) <br />.1 H. The deduction for -hbW maiiGfadtUrng equipment and/or new research and development equipment and/or new logistical'd;sfributtoit equipmentand /or <br />new information (echnotogy equpment installed and first claimed eligible for deduction is allowed for <br />s <br />nha$ce i m ent per w'- 1 12 M18 <br />„ ' [ Mdte <br />"' hear3 <br />Q °fear 1 Year Year3' ❑' Year 4' . . ; :. <br />.. Number of years approved. ` <br />CI Year 6 ❑ Year 7 ❑ Year 8 ❑ Year 9 • ❑ Year 10 (Enter one to twenty (1-20) years,' may not <br />.. ,_ .Y exceed iWenty(20)yeais.). <br />L For a t`tatemerZt of Benefits.approved after June 30, 2013, did tills designating body, adopt an abatement schedule. per IC 6 1.1 121- (79 ❑Yes ❑ No <br />If yes, attach a Dopy of the abatement schedule to this form. <br />Ifto tjie tie z�atidgbody7s regulied to establish an abatement schedule before the deductioh-dan be determined_ <br />Also we have reviewed the inforiitation contained in the statement of benefits and find that the estimates and expectations are reasonable and have <br />"determined tRat the totality of beh6f1 Js SufBc[erit to trishflr the deduction desenbed above. <br />APProvesl �y (s�natum an ed <br />Tleptwe number <br />Date sVned (Month, day, Yew <br />Pdntedn hieatautho *Wmemberbfdesignatingbody ' <br />Name ofdeergnaringbody <br />F' s <br />Aflested by (signature e e of akeste , . .: Pnmw name or atilester " <br />>" Jffhe/des�gnafgboy rrttrts the O irfie period dunrtg vyhiCh 8n sree)S an etwnaxnlg revitalization area, $jot IimitaUOtt does iiottanttif?e lerrgt}r oitfrne a <br />taxpayer rs er d to receive @lied( a number of. ars t is less than ttiefiumber.of years:designated under IC6-11 12.1 17 <br />