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4 <br />ordinance does not distinguish between a single - family use and a non- <br />residential use such as a Fire Station. The proposed garage has been <br />placed on the property behind the main building and has its smallest <br />fagade facing the public street. There will also be landscaping added <br />along this frontage to buffer the view directly from the street. The <br />Petitioner does not believe approval of this variance will have a <br />negative impact on adjacent properties. <br />The Sixth Variance request is from the requirement of having only <br />one (1) Primary Use to being allowed to have a maximum of two (2) <br />Primary uses until such time as the original Primary use structure is <br />razed. This request is being made as it is not specifically listed in <br />the zoning ordinance. As part of the building phase of this proposed <br />project the existing Fire Station will remain and will be in full <br />operation until the new facility is completely built and ready for <br />operation. The Petitioner is being conservative to make sure that both <br />structures are allowed until such time as the original Fire Station is <br />razed. Usually under any residential zoning, only one primary use is <br />allowed on a site. The Petitioner does not believe approval of this <br />Variance will have a negative impact on any surrounding property. <br />The last Variance request is to be allowed to have a maximum 4 ft. <br />high, 32 sq.ft. monument sign as shown instead of the maximum allowed 16 <br />sq.ft. The zoning ordinance allows for a 4 ft. high, 32 sq.ft. monument <br />sign for non - residential uses for a Schools, Religious uses or Nursing <br />Home facilities. The Petitioner would ask to be allowed to have a <br />maximum of 32 sq.ft. for the sign area to identify the new Fire Station <br />facility. The facility as shown could have three (3) monument signs (one <br />per street frontage) having a total square footage of 48 sq.ft. The <br />Petitioner would ask to have only one sign placed along Olive Street as <br />shown. They believe having just one sign is adequate for a facility and <br />property of approximately 2.5 acres. The Petitioner does not believe the <br />Variance request would have an adverse impact on any surrounding <br />property. <br />In regards to the Special Exception request: the Petitioner is <br />asking approval of a Special Exception Use as allowed under Section 21- <br />02.02 (a)(2)(B) Government Use, of the City of South Bend Zoning <br />Ordinance to allow for a Fire Station on property zoned "SF2" Single <br />Family and Two Family District. <br />The Petitioner would state that the existing Fire Station has been a <br />staple in the neighborhood for the past decades. The Petitioner believes <br />it is time to replace the existing facility with a new updated facility <br />that can serve the neighborhood in an efficient manner using the latest <br />technologies for firefighting. The site as shown is being planned to <br />place the building to allow for the more open space on the property <br />which can be used by the surrounding residents. This facility is being <br />designed to include several sustainable systems both within the building <br />and in the surrounding landscape. <br />The Petitioner would state that the proposed use will be consistent <br />with the character of the district in which it is located and the land <br />uses authorized therein. The Petitioner would state that the proposed <br />