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Filed In Clork s office <br />R STATEMENT OF BENEFITS f' FORM 58 -1 / PP <br />PERSONAL PROPERTY <br />State Form 61764 (R4111 -15) JUL i. � io {-c <br />"� , v' • Prescribed by the Department of Local Government Financ L U 1 U PRIVACY NOTICE <br />A information concerning the cost <br />i�REiiViAI i of he property and specific salaries paid <br />FOWLER to ndividual employees by the pro pel! <br />CITYCLERK, SOUTH BEND, ! o er is coMtdenual per IC ti -1.1- 12.1 -s:iY <br />INSTRUCTIONS <br />7. This statement must be submitted to the body designating the Economic Revitalization Area prior to the public hearing If the designating body requires <br />information from the applicant In making its decision about whether to designate an Economic Rew7a//zellon Area. Otherwise Als statement must be <br />submitted to the designating body BEFORE a person Installs the new manufacturing equipment and/or research and development equipment, and/or <br />logistical distribution equipment antl(or Information technology equipment for which the person wishes to claim a deduction. <br />2. The statement of benefits form must be submitted to the designating body and the area designated an economic revitalization area before the Installation <br />ofqualitying abatable equipment for which the person desires to claim a deduction <br />I To obtain a deduction, a person must file a certified deduction schedule with the persons personal property return on a certified deduction schedule <br />(Form 103 -ERA) with the township assessor of the township where the property is situated or with the county assessorif there Is no township assessor <br />for the township. The 103 -ERA must be filed between January 1 and May 15 of the assessment year in which new manufacturing equipment <br />and/or research and development equipment and/r logistical distribution equipment and/or information technology equipment Js Installed and fully <br />functlonal, unless a filing extension has been obtained A person who obtains a f/fim9 extension must fie the form between, January 1 and the extended <br />date date of that year <br />Property owners whose Statement of Benellts was approved, must submit Form CF 11PP annually to show compliance with the Statem ant of Benefits. <br />(IC 6 ->.1- 12.1 -6.6) <br />Fora Form S13-11PP that Is approved after June 30, 2013, the designating body is required to astahfish an abatement schedule for each deduction allowed. <br />Fora Form SB- 11PPthat Is approved priorto July 1, 2013, the abatement schedule approved bythe designating body remains in effect (IC &1.1- 12.1 -17) <br />LLC I Eric Swift. Manaaer. Lnaistirc At runt <br />105 N Niles Ave <br />street, dIX state, and <br />Bend,IN 4661 <br />(574 ) <br />.......1.,.1, - —%,w— rU1wyc rr till it: <br />2872-00 <br />Location of propsny <br />5448 Dylan Dr, South Bend IN 46.628 <br />County DLGF texing district number <br />St. Joseph 009 <br />Description of manufacturing equipment and /or research and development equipmant ESTIMATED <br />and/or logistical distribution equipment and /or Information technology <br />equipment. <br />(Use additional sheets If necessary.) <br />START DATE I COMPLETION DATE <br />Manufacturing Equipment <br />Pallet Racking, Fork Trucks, <br />R & D Equipment <br />Logist Dist Equipment 09/2016 12131/2016 <br />IT Equipment 09/2016 12/31/2016 <br />Curmnlnumber Salaries Number retained <br />Saledea Numberaddiuonal Salaries <br />136 $40.78 123. <br />36.38 <br />IMIN <br />NOTE: Pursuant to iC 61.1- 1216.1 (d) (2) the MANUFACTURING <br />EQUIPMENT <br />R & D EQUIPMENT LOGIST DIST IT EQUIPMENT <br />COST of the property is conftdentlal. COST ASSESSED <br />E UIPMENT <br />COS ASSESSED ASSESSED ASSESSED <br />�S CDC <br />COST <br />VALUE VALUE <br />Current values <br />631.008 <br />1,444,50 227,269 <br />Plus estimated values of proposed project <br />5,0 <br />3,065,0 <br />Less values of props bein replaced <br />Net estimated values upon completion of roject <br />13.696.0(H <br />227.269 <br />Estimated solid waste converted (pounds) <br />Estimated hazardous waste converted (pounds) <br />Olherbenauts: <br />SECTION <br />hereby : ertiy that the representation In this statement are tnme, <br />S auth rep tive <br />Date signed (month, dax year) <br />`� / <br />Prin name . sentaa" <br />N t - <br />Title <br />Rk0iA & +1 " r — SP) 1) <br />Page 1 *f2 <br />