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REC~I7I~AR ~IEETINC~ SEPT'EI~~EI~ 2~ 2009 322 <br />ADAPTED this 2~th day of September, 2009. <br />I3~A C)F PIT~I,IC ~1t7I2I~S <br />CITY C)F SOI_TTI~ I~ENI~, INDIANA <br />s/ Caary pilot, President <br />sl Donald Inks, I~/Iember <br />s/ Carl I,ittrell, I~err~ber <br />ATTEST: <br />s1L,inda lt/Iartin, Clerlc <br />ADAPT RESCIJIJTION NO. 46-2009 - A RES~I,IJTICN ~F TI-IE ~C~ARD ~~ PIJI3LIC <br />~~J~~RI~S DN DISPOSAL ~~' FIT AND/~R 6J~SCI_,ETE PROPERTY <br />D~;on a motion made by I!!Ir. Inks, seconded by 1~/Ir. Littrell and carried, the following Resolution <br />was adopted b~y the hoard of Publie Worl~s: <br />RESOLLTTI~N NC). 46-2009 <br />~ S~tL[JTI~N OF TFIE S~~JTFI SEND ~~?A l7F PI.I~LIC ~DRI~S <br />CN DISP~SAI~ C?F' UNFIT ANDICR t)~SOLETE PR~?PERTY <br />~TI~E AS, it leas been determined by the hoard of Paiblic ~Torks that ti2e following <br />p~°operty is ~antiit for the purpose for which it was intended and is no longer needed by the City of <br />Soath fiend: <br />{45) Cell Phones <br />1Vliscellaneous Cell Phone Chargers <br />Il~Iiscellaneous Cell Phone flolsters <br />FIE AS, Indiana Code 5-22-22 permits and establishes procedure for disposal of <br />personal property which is ainfit for the purpose for which it was intended and which is no longer <br />needed by the City. <br />NCB, TI-I[EREFORE, ~~ IT RESOLED by the Eoard of Public ~orl~s of tl~e City of <br />South fiend that the items listed above are no longer needed by the City9 are unfit for the purpose <br />for which they were intended and have an esti aced value of less than one thousand dollars <br />~~I,000.00). <br />~]E IT FIIIZT~IER RESOL~TED that said itei~ns may be transferred or sold at public <br />auction or private sale, without advertising. Flowever, if the property is deemed worthless, such <br />nay be demolished or jl~nlced. <br />ADOPTED this 2~th day of September 2009, <br />I30A OF PLJl3L,IC ~%ORI~S <br />CITY OF SOL7TFI I3END, INDIANA <br />s/Cfary ~. Oilot, President <br />s/Donald ~. Inks, Ivle ber <br />s/Carl P. Littrell, NIe ber <br />ATTEST: <br />s/Linda 1\/I li~Iari:in, Clerlc <br />AI~~C~PT SOLL7TION NO, 47-2009 - ACCEPTTN~ T'FIE T' NSFER OF AL <br />~PI~OPER"I'Y FROlVI TIIE SOLTTFI SEND I7EVEL,OPIyIENT COIVI~IISSION (COTTER <br />S~L~P.EET <br />~[Tpon a motion ade by 1~Ir. Inks, seconded by 1VIr. Littrell and ca~°ried, the following Resolution <br />was adopted by the hoard of Public works; <br />