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w ~y /y <br />~~~~ <br />~' <br />;~6^ .5 ~ C~1 w cs~c~ ,d ~ <br />z~~~~ a~i w ~~~ ~~ <br />n <br />~:-. <br /> <br /> <br />~~~'r~if~ r E ' ~;- Pf:CtEaa i r 1' ("ai~:~ <br />~.L_•._ iJ L fi., <br />i:~'7/r.:;!~~~3'1 E1c?ev'S~.`_'~~:jF'h1 <br />S~-i"e ti~QS~ F}Fi CiJUPa i 'r <br />I;h tJl7i;•'I~1_f~; <br />f:EC FcEo ~]."1~~~ <br />~'Ar>>ri;; 1. <br />This quitclaim deed made on July 22, 2009, between Bernardo Galvez and Emilio Galvez of <br />South Bend, St. Joseph County, Indiana, and Manuel Villegas and Laura Villegas of 2637 W <br />Western Ave., South bend, St. Joseph County, Indiana. <br />That for and in the consideration of the sum of One Dollars, (S 1.00 ~, the receipt of <br />which is hereby acknowledged, Bernardo Galvez and Emilio Galvez do hereby release, remise <br />and forever quitclaim unto Manuel Villegas and Laura Villegas all of their interest, if any, <br />in that certain real property commonly known as <br />W 3~ Vac. Alley-Adj. Summit Place., located iii Cl-ie City of South Bend, County of St. Joseph, <br />State of Indiana, described as follows: <br />Lot Numbered Eight Hundred Twenty-Seven ( 827 ) as shown on the recorded Third Plat of <br />Summit place , Addition to the City of South Bend, Indiana. <br />Tax # 18-4035-1246 <br />Property Address: W '-~ Vac. Alley-Adj., South Bend IN 46619. <br />Together with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, and <br />the reversions, remainders, rents, issues, and profits thereof. <br />To have and to hold, all and singular the premises, with the appurtenances, unto Manuel and <br />Laura Villegas and his heirs and assigns forever. <br />In witness whe of, Irene Garcia has hereunto this day a d year as set forth above. <br />r I ~ <br />nar o•Galvez Emilio alvez <br />State of Indiana, County of 5t. Joseph ss: <br />Before me, the undersigned. A Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared the <br />within named Bernardo and Emilio Galvez who acknowledged the execution of the foregoing Deed and <br />who, having been duly sworn, stated that/the representations therein contained are true. <br />_~. <br />WITNESS, my hand and Seal this C /~ ~ ~ c7 <br />n ~ .-~J~ <br />My ~C€gmmission Expires: G ~~. C7 ~~~~~ ~`~ ~~~ ~ ~~ <br />.~'~ Signature of!Not~ y Public <br />• •~•~, :. Printed Na e of Notary Public <br />D, 'S°r~ DAIXY TORRES _ <br />~~ ~ 'r St Joseph County 1 <br />;, ~;~ My Commission Expires 5 a"' i <br />January 7, 2017 Notary Public County and 5 ate of Residence <br />'`•"'~Lli~!~s'trument was prepared by Daixy Torres, 1324 W western Ave. South Bend IN 96619. <br />I, affirm, under the penalties for perjury, that I have taken reasonable care to redact each Social <br />Security number in this document, unless required by Law. <br />Name:~C~~Xc~~O`~~~ c <br />®~L~~~~~ ~~ az•~~~~Et~~~ai <br />~ ~~ ~~~~~ <br />