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7UL-17-2009 14:04 FROf~1: GP.UPO OPSYS <br />1 Q00 C.OUN'['Y-GITr ButLatNC <br />227 W ~EFPERSON BOULEVARd <br />Sotrt~tt Bazap, Itdbfnru 4GG0t-1830 <br />157428' 1 55 <br />T17:1219542~257 <br />PitoN~ 574/ a35-)Z41 <br />Fnx 5741235-982 <br />'CDfJ 5741235-5567 <br />Cl'rY OF So+n-I•I $END STE['HEN j. )<.Ui?CKE, MAYOR <br />~F,1~AI~TMENT ®F ~A~ <br />CxAS).gs S. L~orrE <br />CmrArroRNEY <br />Ms. Laura Villages <br />Taste of Mexico <br />2637 W. Western <br />Sauth Bend, IN 46619 <br />Via Certified Mail <br />June ~~, 2009 <br />FiB; Denial of Restaurant License <br />Taste of Mexico-2637 W. Western <br />Dear Ms. Villeg~-s: <br />AJ,ADEAN ~. DER~SE <br />CHIEP AsslsTArrr Cn'YATTaRNEY <br />P.4~7 <br />This letter is to inform you that your request far a restaurant license has been <br />denied. The denial is based on the lack of available parking spaces required by the <br />zoning ordinances for your business. The Building Department recommended denial <br />because you are required to have 109 parking spaces based on the size and uses of <br />your property. The number of spaces you currently have is approximately 40. <br />Should you choose to contest th(s dental, ypu have a right to a hearing. Ta avail <br />yourself of that right, you must submit a written request to the City Attorney's once on <br />ar before July 6, 2009, Upon timely receipt of your request, a hearing will be <br />scheduled, If you fail to submit a written request for a hearing prior to the above <br />deadline, you will forfeit your right to a hearing. <br />Sincerely, <br />~-~, <br />Ann-Garpl Nash <br />Assistant City Attorney <br />cc: C. Bulot <br />M_ Adams <br />L. Coleman <br />J. Walters <br />~I-IOMAS ~,. BODNAR CML+SiYLA. GItL~ENL~ ANN~CARt~L~ASFI <br />]EFFRf;Y M. f ANKUWtiKI LAWRENCE ~. MP.TP.NI?R ] GPrRl;Y L, SANFUR[j jOI'fN ~~ BRODEN <br />